How it Works

We have endless Jobs opportunity available for expert who are looking for work in every technical, professional, and creative industry available. We have a message board that will depict engaging messages for outreach


Discover available jobs and opportunities through our user-friendly platform


Easily post job listings or projects tailored to your needs and find the right skilled personnel


Submit your job application through our platform and Track Progress

Get Hired

instantly get hired by individual and companies using our platform

Services offered

Custom Job/Blue collar job

This is the type of job where the company or client can be able to post if they require a certain job to be done according to the specific measurement or certain way. The job normally takes a long time to complete. the examples might be: Building a house of certain measurement or developing a website that meet certain criteria. The job should be done according to the agreed terms

Piece Job/ piecework

This job is done at a certain amount of time, that is why is call a "piece job”. The company or client can initiate this post so that they find a suitable freelancer to carry out the work, most of the jobs in this category are "fix and go". The examples might be clearing the yard, washing clothes over the weekend, re-paint a particular area.

Vacancies/ white collar job

Jobs that are available at a certain company, this is a white-collar job where companies look for skilled candidates to fill in a position within their employment structure. Here Companies are looking for education, experience, the wiliness to work and the soft skills. The examples might be Accountant, Human Resource Officer.


Companies/Government will be able to post tenders available in this platform, this will help them to attract more bidders with experience. Please note that, to purchase the actual tender document the interested party will have to physically go to their office(Companies/Government) and buy.

Types of Users we have


This account type is for companies that wants to post jobs (Vacancies ,Piece Jobs, Custom Jobs and Tenders), Companies can also communicate with other companies via chat.


This account type is for Clients that wants to post jobs (Piece Jobs, and Custom Jobs)


This account type is for skilled personnel who are working for themselves. They can only Apply for (Piece Jobs and Custom Jobs)


This account type is for educated skilled personnel looking to apply for jobs that are available within companies. They can only Apply for that wants to post jobs (Vacancies)